Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yearly Check for Celiac Disease

    When we went to the endocrinologist recently and time we had to have blood drawn. One of the checks that is done as part of this is the check to see how we are doing with William's celiac disease. William was diagnosed with celiac disease at age five. I sometimes find it more trouble to deal with then diabetes. The tests came back normal. That is really good to see. We have been going out to eat more and having two households to alternate, I was worried that his number might spike this time.

    Celiac disease is not fun. It will not kill William quickly or anything but it could have very long term effects on his health. This would be in addition to the health effects that having diabetes could have. We have to plan carefully to make sure that we always have food for him to eat. I have to make sure if we are going to someones house that they not only keep the wrappers so I can see the carbs in a dish but that I can see if there is any wheat or gluten. We have to arrange the menu and bring dishes to pass so William will have something to eat. It is so frustrating to see all of these foods that do not need gluten but they have it anyway. We went to a birthday party for the neighbor and they had a pinata. They filled it with candy. William was excited about being part of the kids that eventually broke it open. He raced in to grab candy and brought it to me to inspect. Every bit of the candy was manufactured in a plant that handles wheat so he could not have any of the candy. William was great about it as he went into the middle of the kids still picking up candy and just threw it in the air for them to take.

    The daily grind of dealing with diabetes is draining and putting celiac disease on top just adds that much more stress. William has had more stress in his life than a seven year old deserves. He should be able to just come in and grab a juice box or a doughnut or what ever but that is not his life. Don't get me wrong I do not feed him junk but it used to be a nice treat once in a while. One good thing that came out of his mom leaving is that she now has to help. I do get every other week off. That was not the case before. I did everything for his care. I would have gladly carried on with his care to keep our family together. The sleepless or minimal sleep that I got, buying the groceries and cooking making his lunches, taking him to school, training school and daycare how to take care of him, the doctor appointments and all of the other stuff. It is nice that she is finally having to do her share.

    I look at William and worry about where he will be in five years. There is so much to deal with and it will soon become his to take on completely. It is a heavy weight that no one should have to carry. The extra weight of all of the life events that happened last year just make me worry that much more. I will be standing by your side no matter what.

I love you my son,

Your Loving Dad

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