Monday, May 18, 2015

He is Getting Big

    I went into his room. It was 2:00am. I was there to check his blood sugar just like every other night. He was mostly uncovered and his legs were hanging off his bed as he was laying across his bed. I looked for a minute before it could grasp what I saw. My little man is getting so big. I could not believe that he had gotten so big and I had not really noticed. There he was laying there and he wasn't so little of a man any more. We have a long way to go before moving out or any of that but it still amazes me just how big my little boy is.

    It makes me stop and think about the responsibilities that come along with having him as my son. These are not normal responsibilities that we have. He takes a lot more effort than most. His type one diabetes has been around now for way more than half of his life. The celiac disease has been around for a long time too. No matter what you are doing you always have to stop and think about everything that you are doing and how that will effect his diabetes and celiac. What food will he be eating? How many carbs are in the food? Does it have gluten in it? Will they have food or snacks where we are going? Can he eat the food where we are going just encase he goes low while we are there? All of these questions every day every where you go.  Most of the time I have to take food with us when we go somewhere.

    Last night was just one of those times when I realize the awesome responsibility that was given to his mother and me. I wish things had turned out differently for him because it would have been so much easier to take care of him together, but that is not what he gets in life. Another thing that makes his life harder. Every decision is a battle or his mom just doesn't answer. He deserves better than that and I wish there were something that I could do to change that for him. He is a wonderful boy who's heart is filled with love. He is confused and does not understand things that are happening now. I am not sure that I do at times. The betrayal and treatment that was dished out was beyond belief at times. I still try to understand how someone tells you they love you and calls you a good man and just weeks later is engaged to be married and trying to throw you in jail and accusing you of molesting her children. Life knocks you down at times but this one was tough. I am back on my feet again but there are times when I am dizzy and fall again. The past comes back and I fall but it doesn't take long to get my breath and get back up again.

I really hope that you never meet someone that does these things to you.

Your Loving Dad

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