Thursday, September 11, 2014

Letters From Dad (School)

    Hello my wonderful boy. I know that you are only six today but I hope this letter finds you before you enter high school. I know that you are excited about starting high school and you should be. It is the launching point to the rest of your life. I hope you take a moment to realize that it is a very short moment in your life and it will have a small and large effect on the rest of your life depending on the choices that you make.

    The small effect on your life is that most of the people in high school are not who they are going to be when they grow to be adults. Some of the most successful people in high school will become some of the least successful people in life while some of the people that were picked on now become the bosses and are quite successful. Your friends in high school may be there for a while and if you are lucky you may have a few that you keep for the rest of your life but most people in high school will not matter in your life in just a few short years.

    The big effect on your life are the choices that you make while you are in high school. You can choose to be a smart person and do all of your work study hard and finish at the top of your class. This will open doors for you to choose the college of your dreams and find the career that you always wanted. The other choice is to do what it takes to get through. This will close many doors for college and you may not get accepted into the program that you want to study. Your life will not be as interesting or fun but you put out less effort, so you get what you work for. I always told your older brother that you can get paid for what you know or get paid for what you do. Getting paid for what you know is a lot more fun and interesting and lends itself to a career that you enjoy everyday. Getting paid for what you do can be rewarding but more frustrating as well. You have time clocks to punch and a lot less flexibility to do what you want everyday. to give an example with my job today I can take time off to take you to the doctor without having to worry about how many personal days I have taken. I can make the time up when I need to but I can do what it takes to take care of you. When your sisters and brother lived with me I could go in late and leave early to get them to school as long as I worked on the weekends to make up the lost time.

    I hope that you make good choices in life that give you the most options. What ever you do I will be there still holding you close and being as proud as any dad could be that you William are my boy. I hope to see you get married and have children. I am looking forward to getting to know them and being part of their lives. Make yourself proud and be a pillar and a good example to your family and friends. Be the kind of friend that you want someone to be to you and you will find those friends in your life too.

Can't wait to see you graduate and become the man that I know you can be,

His Loving Dad

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